Our headteacher: Mihai Armanu |
School “Mihai Eminescu”-Roman is located in a very nice and historical area,in the North-East of Romania. We have over 1000 students and our school, established in 1973, represents an educational standard due to it’s outstanding results and performances obtained in all kinds of contests( school olimpic contests, sport, literature, foreign languages,etc).
We have participated during the last 6 years in many international activities, such ad: bilateral co-operation activities together with British Romanian Connection Association, in the field of foreign languages by organizing English language courses and English summer camps.We have a documentary English Office.
Our school was also involved in a number of 4 Comenius projects, bilateral and multilateral, as follows:
“Living together in harmony”(Multilateral Partnership together with schools from: Italy, Poland, Lithuania and Turkey).
“Learning foreign languages by knowing each other’s traditions” (Bilateral Partnership together with school from: Italy)
“An equal chance for all children ” (Multilateral Partnership together with schools from: U.K. and Lithuania)
“Green Harmony” ”(Multilateral Partnership together with schools from: Malta, Portugal, Italy, England, Wales, Lithuania and Turkey).
"Rediscover the real European values"(Multilateral partnership with schools from: Estonia, Italy, Spain, Norway,France, Cyprus, Holland and Turkey).
Our institution gives a great importance to the international activities because this is the best way of knowing other countries’ cultural, religious traditions and values and of creating bridges among pupils and teachers from different cultural environment,taking into account our common European future."Rediscover the real European values"(Multilateral partnership with schools from: Estonia, Italy, Spain, Norway,France, Cyprus, Holland and Turkey).
More we hope to enrich ourselves with the experience of finding out more about other teaching systems and at our turn to enrich them with our own values.
Then, through this international co-operation activities,the pupils and teacher’s interest for studying the foreign languages has also been improved.
Beside these, the Comenius projects improved the relationship between the school and the wider educational community and also the local community,because our end products became public, this way allowing other schools and institutions to use them, this assuring a better practical finality of the project, and increasing the impact of these projects.
Last but not least,the projects brought a change of mentality and a plus of opening towards an intercultural education , thus preparing our students to become good European citizens, making us all more tolerant.